Pre-Hearing Summary



Name of the relevant authority:


Name of the subject Member(s):


Name of the Complainant(s):


Case reference number:


Name of the Panel Member who will chair the hearing, if known:


Name of the Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer:


Name of the clerk of the hearing or other administrative officer:


Name of the Independent Person for Standards:


Name of the parish/town council representative (where relevant):


Date the pre-hearing process summary was produced:


Date, time and place of the hearing:


Summary of the complaint:


Relevant section or sections of the Code of Conduct:


Findings of fact in the investigation report that are agreed:


Findings of fact in the investigation report that are not agreed:


Whether the parties will attend or be represented:


Names of any witnesses who will be asked to give evidence:


Outline of the proposed procedure for the hearing: 


Any potential conflicts of interest: